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What is the National Childbirth Trust? NCT - A spotlight

Here at Team Cheeky, we are first and foremost parents, step parents, godparents and carers. We do what we do here to make a difference and work closely with our customers to make sure they get the best out of our products and show them how simple and hassle free switching to reusables can be.

Our Customer Services team chat to you every day and we know that you are making decisions for future additions to your family as well as guiding friends and family through everything from periods and incontinence, through illness and sometimes loss and supporting them in different ways.

Our eldest kids might be exploring internships and jobs and our youngest are choosing their GCSE options, but we still remember those early days of parenthood and the places and organisations we looked to for guidance and support. Many of us had the benefit of support from NCT (National Childbirth Trust) and this has led us to working closely with them as we have always aligned ourselves with their values and ethos.

What is the National Childbirth Trust?

Well known nationally through their local branches and Nearly New Sales or their antenatal and postnatal classes covering subjects such as planning your birth experience, getting to know your baby and feeding your baby, and looking after your health and wellbeing including the big one...sleeping! But, as  the UK's leading charity for pregnancy, birth and early parenting,  their work extends so much further and so we wanted to shine a light on some of the brilliant work and programmes they are doing that you might not know about.

NCT Baby Bundles essentials care packages

Maternal Space of Sanctuary in London

NCT Parents in Mind project

NCT Infant Feeding Line

NCT Walk & Talks


NCT Baby Bundles essentials care packages

Run by NCT volunteers throughout the UK, packs of essential items are provided for families dealing with a diverse range of challenging circumstances, for example, unemployment, financial pressures, homelessness, domestic violence, refugee status, mental or physical health issues, or other welfare issues. 

Our volunteer teams collect, sort, store, clean, package up and distribute pre-loved clothes and equipment (including pushchairs, baby baths and changing mats and bags) which are distributed alongside new items such as toiletries, nappies and wipes.

Being able to provide these bundles reduces the stigma associated with ‘handouts’ and ‘hand-me-downs’ and families are able to specify what they need, with dignity. This in turn reduces waste.  

In addition to the core Baby Bundles service, some areas also prepare ‘essentials’ bags to distribute to hospitals and other organisations, such as women’s refuges. These provide immediate assistance to women who come in to give birth, or have recently given birth, and, for whatever reason, do not have the essentials they need. 

Our Bundles are sometimes the difference between a child having an essential item and not.’ Volunteer, Vale of Evesham 

For more information on NCT Baby Bundles, drop them an email


Maternal space of sanctuary in Newham, London

Pregnant women and new parents seeking asylum in Newham, London will get more support, thanks to renewed funding secured by NCT.  

NCT Newham Nurture currently supports over 300 families each year, with many facing challenges such as homelessness and financial hardship. The service has been co-produced by a Steering Group of women with lived experience of the hardships, challenges and barriers migrant and marginalised families face in accessing maternity services. 

Belinda Ngugi, NCT Newham Nurture Programme Manager, said: "Whilst all women should have access to equitable maternity care, we know many women and families face barriers in understanding the UK healthcare system or accessing available support. Newham Nurture provides much-needed culturally safe and accessible information and support about pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.  

For the full press release and programme information, visit the site.


NCT Parents in Mind Project 

NCT’s Parents in Mind project provides safe, sensitive, impactful perinatal mental health peer support, delivered by local parent volunteers.

Peer supporters have lived experience of the challenges early parenthood can present and are passionate about making sure new parents don’t feel alone. Our volunteers undertake accredited training to provide a friendly listening ear, in one to one and group settings, online and face-to-face.

The Parents in Mind project aims to:

  • Value and prioritise parental wellbeing
  • reduce stigma around mental health issues
  • normalise difficult parenting experiences
  • build confidence & social connections
  • empower with info on other helpful services/signposting
  • support a more fulfilling relationship with baby

"This service was vital for me; I couldn’t even leave the house with my baby by myself. I was struggling with day to day life. The support I’ve been given is outstanding…I’ve felt cared for and supported the whole way." Service user

For more information on NCT Parents in Mind and to find a service near you, read more about their services here.


NCT Infant Feeding Line

This free to access telephone service handles on average 8,000 calls per year. Parents can call the line (0300 330 0700) from 8am - midnight this number every day, including bank holidays and speak to NCT Practioners with any questions or concerns about feeding - however you are doing it.

Having someone on the end of the phone that is knowledgeable, sympathetic and is there to help really can make a difference and can stop the frantic Google searching for answers. 

"I was really doubting myself and in tears. Calling the NCT Infant Feeding Line, I spoke to Ann who listened to my worries, gave me space to think and shared the facts with me. I felt so much more confident afterwards. I am so grateful they were there in my time of need. " Anneeka

NCT Walk & Talk 

Parenthood is hard at any time but throw in a global pandemic and it's a whole new challenge.

For pregnant women and new parents, just before and during the pandemic, getting connected with healthcare professionals, and groups became near on impossible. For many, this meant isolation with a newborn that they weren't expecting. So many babies born just before and during the pandemic have had their early years defined by closed spaces and for many parents, the support they needed wasn't available.

With NCT's support, NCT Walk & Talk groups began to spring up as a way to enable new parents to get out into open spaces, safely distanced and with the chance to connect, chat and get advice and guidance.

The service is free and is still running and going from strength the strength across the if you fancy joining a group or setting up and NCT Walk & Talk group in your local area, drop the team at NCT a line at

Grab your baby, changing bag and put your period/pee pants on and get out there.


“I am a first-time mum and experienced a traumatic birth in lockdown. Being able to talk to the other mums just to be heard really validated my experience and helped so much. It also got me out the house on days I very easily could have sat on the sofa in my pyjamas and felt sorry for myself. The walks have given me so much confidence to get out on my own with my baby. I was so nervous on my first walk about, even putting the pram up and pushing it down the street felt so bizarre, but now it’s second nature, and I love it. Now, my son and I spend most days on adventures in the pram!” NCT Walk and Talk Participant 

Check out local NCT meet ups and activities near you to see how you can connect with other parents.  

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About the author: Jo van Huet is a mum of 2 and has been working with Helen, Cheeky founder, for over 20 years. She has been Head of Customer Journey at Cheeky Wipes for almost 8 years following a stint “helping out at some Baby shows” since 2008! 

Jo has used all the products from our wipes on her kids (now 13 & 16) to our period pants and pads. She is passionate about making sure our customers are happy, informed and feel listened too when they get in touch. Her team pride themselves on providing relatable friendly advice and just LOVE to chat pee, poo and periods all day long!