Unusual uses for Cheeky Wipes (prize for best answer!)
As you know (because I may have mentioned it once or twice before) we took our Cheeky Wipes to Glastonbury where they were brilliant for keeping us fragrant and clean, even when the showers were switched off due to the hot weather.
Which got me thinking about other uses for Cheeky Wipes, aside from the usual baby changing / face & hands cleaning ones?
Make-up removal
Cheeky Wipes are brilliant for taking off your make-up as you don't get that 'tight' feeling that baby wipes leave you with. I've got super-sensitive skin and they're great when used with the Lavender & Chamomile Fresh Wipes Oil.
Alternative Therapies
I've got a reflexologist friend and she has a extra set of Cheeky Wipes which she uses on her clients feet with the Mucky Wipes Tea Tree & Tea Tree Lemon Oil prior to a client treatment. The antibacterial nature and lovely clean smell of the oil really set the scene well for a tip-top treatment.
Household Cleaning
Obviously, wiping up after meal times is a standard use. But I've also used my Cheeky Wipes to help clean a soiled mattress. Again the wipes were soaked in the mucky wipes solution which helped kill any odour from the mattress.
Dog Wipes
I kid you not, but I had a lady in the USA buy a kit specially to wipe her dog's feet after she'd come in from outside. She said they worked a treat!
I think this is possibly the most unusual use for Cheeky Wipes that I've come across, but if you've got any more, please leave me a comment and let me know. There's a prize of a set of extra wipes for the best answer left by next Friday, 23rd July.